How to Submit an Article

Submit an Article for The Pennsylvania Administrator:
Spring 2025 Edition
(Not a theme issue)

Articles for The Pennsylvania Administrator magazine’s Spring 2025 edition are being accepted by the Pennsylvania Principals Association. This magazine does not have a specific theme, even though it is typically the theme edition. Any education-related articles will be accepted for consideration by our editorial review board.

To submit an article, please send it to by April 14, 2025.

Our theme edition will be in the fall. Please keep an eye out for the upcoming theme details.


Effective immediately: Submissions that are sent to us as scholarly papers (dissertations) will be returned for a rewrite before being reviewed by the Editorial Review Board. In addition, articles that are determined to require extensive editing, or are not in APA style, will also be returned for revisions before being considered for publication.

Article Specifications: Articles should be written in magazine article format and geared to our target audience of mainly building principals and assistant principals in Pennsylvania. Articles should be no longer than 1,500 words and must be submitted as a Word document with little or no formatting. Articles must be written/formatted using APA Style. A biographical sketch in written (paragraph) format and a professional, high resolution (300 dpi is preferred), color photograph of the author(s) (saved as a JPEG file) must accompany all articles.

Articles must be submitted for review and consideration by the Editorial Review Board on/before the deadline for each issue to Sheri Thompson, Editor, at

To Review PA Principals Association Publication Deadlines, Click Here. (CHECK BACK LATER FOR UPDATED DEADLINES.)



We are seeking educational book reviews for our newest magazine column, “READERS FOR LEADERS,” but only for books that you have found valuable and would “recommend” to your colleagues. Educators are constantly looking for new ideas to use and share, but do not always have time to read new books.
It is our hope that this column will provide you with the latest in contemporary readings.

Book reviews should be no more than 350-400 words, written using APA style and must be submitted as a Word document (with a brief biographical sketch and a photo of the author). Authors may not be the book’s author since the purpose of the review is to provide information and NOT to sell books! In
addition, authors MUST include a written statement of any connection to the publication being reviewed. For example: The book being reviewed is part of a book selection for a principal certification course (OR…Administrator Professional Development). I have no affiliation with the author(s) or publishing company(ies) of the book(s) in the submitted book review(s).

Submit an Article for the Magazine Feature — One Member’s Voice

One Member’s Voice is YOUR column — a place to voice your opinion and your concerns regarding timely education- or school-related topics/
issues. It is also a forum to share your views or provide feedback on issues that are impacting your job, your school, your district or public education in general.

All articles must be approved prior to publication by the Editorial Review Board and will include this disclaimer at the end: The views and opinions expressed in the above article are those of the author, and are not necessarily those of the Association, and not necessarily endorsed by the membership or its governing body. However, the PA Principals Association feels that members can best be served by debate of issues.

We want to hear from you! To submit your article for review by the Editorial Board, please e-mail it to for consideration of publication in the next issue. Articles must be no more than 600 words, single-spaced and sent as a Word document.