Stop Elimination of Support for Teachers and Principals!

Today is a National Title II Day of Action to tell Congress to stop elimination of state and local funds that support effective teaching and leadership! We ask that all NAESP members contact their representatives in Congress today and let them know the importance of Title II funds that directly support teachers and principals.

Earlier this year, the Administration’s FY 2018 budget request to Congress eliminated formula funds for states and districts to support effective educators, or the Supporting Effective Instruction State Grants program, Title II, Part A, of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). States and districts receive funds from this program to provide evidence-based programs for teacher and principal recruitment, preparation, and on-going professional learning. This program is important over the coming year as states and districts plan to use Title II, Part A funds for systems of support for teachers and principals, and to ensure equity across subgroups of students (traditionally-underserved backgrounds, high poverty, special needs students, and English language learners). The new law has a strong focus on support for principals and school leadership, but many states will be unable to carry out any programs if Title II, Part A is completely eliminated from the budget.  

Tell Congressional lawmakers that these funds are important support teachers and principals, especially as the new law is implemented at the state and local levels over the coming year. Tell lawmakers that they must give educators, including teachers and principals, the resources necessary to provide a high-quality education for every child by funding the ESSA-authorized level for Title II, Part A that was agreed to in the bipartisan law. 

Thank you in advance for your advocacy on behalf of all students!

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