State and Federal Accountability

Performance Profile (SPP) in the 2012-13 school year, the Pennsylvania Department of Education recognized that special circumstances may contribute to a school’s federal designation or its state School Performance Profile score.  The Pennsylvania Department of Education allows schools to notify the Department of these special circumstances only if the circumstance creates an error in a school’s designation or School Performance Profile score.  While the Pennsylvania Department of Education is not re-designating “priority” and “focus” schools in the 2013-14 school year, we are designating a list of “reward” schools.  Therefore, the Department is able to recognize two of the following three special circumstances that may impact a school’s designation or school performance score: 1) the 1 percent cap; 2) participation rate; and 3) schools with no tested grades.  Remember that federal designations apply only to Title I schools. An explanation of each circumstance follows:

1 percent cap:  For purposes of the Federal Accountability Designation, the 1 percent cap on students who participated in the alternate assessment applies; for purposes of the School Performance Profile, the 1 percent cap does not apply.  Requesting an increase in the 1 percent cap for federal purposes requires schools to petition the Pennsylvania Department of Education’s Bureau of Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction for a higher cap prior to the administration of the assessment.  Therefore, it is too late for this special circumstance to apply.  Details concerning this request for future use can be provided by contacting John Nau in the Bureau’s Division of Performance Analysis and Reporting via email at or by phone at 717.214.9391.

Participation rate:  If a school fails to meet the required 95 percent participation rate for federal accountability, and this failure is due to circumstances beyond the control of the school, such as parental opt-out, the school may notify Dana Klouser via email, at, of the circumstance that led to the insufficient participation rate.  Failure to meet the 95 percent participation can disqualify a school from being identified as a “reward” school.