Senate Bill 200 Update
November 3, 2011
The Senate concurred with House amendments to SB 200, which creates the Safety in Youth Sports Act and establishes standards for the management of concussions and head injuries to student athletes. The bill is now in the hands of the governor, with Nov. 12 the last day for action. Under SB 200, the Departments of Health and Education must make information about such injuries available to students, parents and coaches. A school may hold an informational meeting for students and others. Coaches must complete a concussion management training course. An athlete must be removed from the field of play if he or she exhibits symptoms of a head injury, and may not return to play until an “appropriate medical professional”? evaluates the student and provides written clearance to return. The definition of “appropriate medical professional” includes a licensed or certified health care professional trained in the evaluation and management of concussions and designated by a licensed physician who is trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. SB 200 also imposes minimum penalties on coaches for violations.
Source: PSBA Legislative Report, Nov. 3, 2011.