Principals Support the Every Student Succeeds Act

Important Message from NAESP and NASSP: We are at a critical point in the legislative process. Now it is more important than ever that school leaders reach out to their members of Congress and urge them to vote on the final conference agreement to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, which is now known as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and is currently facing a vote in the House. A vote in favor of this agreement will put an end to the test-and-punish policies and shift greater authority to the states to determine accountability systems that work better for schools. It will also bring greater attention to the role of principals and acknowledge how your vital role ensures that every child has a high quality educational experience.

You have the opportunity to reach out to your legislators right now by sending a message to Congress through our new joint NAESP and NASSP action center. The action center can be found on both associations’ websites and you will be able to access action alerts on either page. The joint Principal’s Legislative Action Center is reflective of the collaboration between NAESP and NASSP to advance education policy that reflects the interests of principals on behalf of all students. We have been working together closely on reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act over the past several years, and are pleased that we have come together for this final push to renew the Every Student Succeeds Act. 

Please take a moment to send your message of support to Congress now.

Thank you for all you do to support students to reach their greatest potential. As the final stages of the legislative process move forward over the coming week, NAESP and NASSP will be providing a thorough review of ESSA and the new provisions we hope will be signed into law by the president.