
Keystone Exams Delayed

From the Office of the Secretary of Education: The 2011-2012 State Budget proposal presented by Governor Corbett includes many difficult decisions to address a significant budget shortfall. While the PDE… Read More

New Test Development

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) and the Educational Testing Service (ETS) are developing a new Praxis Series TM licensure assessment for entry-level Pennsylvania Grade 4-8 teachers. A licensure assessment… Read More

Tuition Voucher Update: SB 1 is Introduced

Senators Jeff Piccola (R-Dauphin), the chairman of the Senate Education Committee, and Sen. Anthony Williams (D-Philadelphia) have formally introduced legislation to create a taxpayer-funded tuition voucher program. The bill is… Read More

RSS Feed Available

Subscribing to the new RSS feed will keep you updated on the latest publicly available content added to the PA Principals Association web site. In order to see the latest… Read More