
Testing Under Scrutiny in Pa. House Hearing

Concerns about the statewide testing of students in Pennsylvania dominated an hours-long hearing Wednesday before the House Education Committee. Click here for full article. Source: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 30, 2015;… Read More

PSSA Update

The following link will take you to a zip file of the documents referenced in the PennLink sent by Deputy Secretary Stem earlier today [and also posted on the PA… Read More

2015 PSSA Data

Dear Colleague, Today you will be receiving the student data files for the 2015 PSSA, and I want to assure you that we at the Department of Education understand the… Read More

Contact your Senators NOW!

Congress has finally taken significant action to enact a full reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) – also known as the No Child Left Behind Act –… Read More