Joint Awards

PA Principals Association Joint Awards

Service to Children Award

Each year, the Pennsylvania Principals Association selects a recipient for the “Service to Children” award.  Nominations for this award are open to elementary and secondary members and are limited to one of three regions – east, central or west – on a rotating basis. This year the recipient will be selected from one of the following intermediate units in the Central Region: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17.

PA Principals Association members are encouraged to nominate one or more candidates for the award. Nominees might include individual school volunteers, community organizations or agencies or other people or groups who have a broad positive impact on all children in our elementary, middle level and high schools. Nominees should not receive financial compensation for their efforts in this regard.  THE NOMINATION DEADLINE IS JUNE 6, 2025.

If you have questions about the nomination process, contact one of the following state directors on the PA Principals Board of Directors – Elementary Reps – (E) / Secondary Reps – (S):

        Region C-I                                                    Region C-II                                          Region C-III 

        (IU 9, 10, 17)                                               (IU 12, 13, 15, 16)                               (IU 8, 11)        

Karen Krisch (E)                                         Dr. Rick Esche (E)                                Kristin Musselman (E)

Bellefonte Area SD                                     Pequea Valley SD                               Tyrone Area SD

(814) 357-2425                                           (717) 768-5560                                   (814) 684-1342


OPEN (S)                                                    Mark Ziegler (S)                                  Dr. Donald Wagner (S)

Camp Hill SD                                        Bellwood-Antis SD

(717) 901-2500                                   (814) 742 2273


Click here for an application.

If we can be of service to you, please call the State Office at (717) 732-4999 or email Julie Sunday at, or call Dan Horan at (610) 853-5900, extension 5551 at Haverford Middle School.


Bob D. Schiller Memorial Cancer Research and Support Award

(sponsored by the PA Principals Association
and Lincoln Investment Planning, LLC)  

Applications Available to Sr. High, Middle Level and Elementary School Principals

Deadline: Friday, June 6, 2025

The Bob D. Schiller Memorial Cancer Research and Support Award is sponsored by PA Principals Association/Lincoln Investment Planning, LLC, and recognizes a school and its principal from our statewide PA Principals Association membership (secondary or elementary divisions) with a $2,000 monetary award. This award is presented to schools and principals who have promoted programs that support cancer research or survivors of cancer.

An award winner will be selected in the summer by the Board of Directors, prior to Summit25 – PA Educational Leadership Conference, August 3-5, 2025, in State College, PA.

If you have any questions, please contact Brian T. Fuller, PA Principals Association’s West-I Region Representative, and the Bob D. Schiller Memorial Cancer Award’s chair to the PA Principals Association board, at or 814-835-5512.

Click here for the application.


Joseph Mamana Meritorious Service Award

Program Description and Criteria.

Educational Excellence Award

Program Description and Criteria.