Executive Director Announces Retirement

After eight years as Executive Director of the PA Principals Association, Dr. Paul Healey has informed the board of his intent to retire in August 2021. Dr. Healey has spent 43 years in education serving in the role of teacher, principal, assistant superintendent, superintendent, adjunct professor, and President of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD) in 2012. During his tenure as Executive Director, Dr. Healey is credited with increasing professional development opportunities for school leaders, enhancing the voice of the association on the advocacy front, writing and supporting legislation for administrators, partnering with other educational organizations on initiatives, increasing membership, and building a sound financial base on which services for members can be rendered. Dr. Healey was recently recognized by Penn State University in 2020 with the College of Education’s Alumni Society Leadership and Service Award.

President Jonathan Ross issued the following statement of the pending retirement: “Dr. Healey has a distinguished record of advocacy and support for the principals of Pennsylvania. Through his leadership, our organization has grown in members and in services that we provide to our members. Dr. Healey leaves an incredible legacy of leadership to the principals and the children that they serve across our commonwealth.”

Dr. Healey resides In Mechanicsburg with his wife, Kathy, who is an elementary principal and retiring in June. They plan to spend time with family, traveling, and enjoying some peaceful retreats at their cabin.