Immediate Attention Required: Act 44 Reporting Requirements and Safe2Say Contact Person


 There have been several questions and some confusion over the reporting requirements for school districts under Act 44 of 2018 regarding the new safety laws affecting school districts. This is what you need to know – and do ….

School District Safety & Security Coordinator

 All school districts are required to appoint an administrator as the School District Safety and Security Coordinator by this Friday, August 31, 2018 and report the appointment to the PA Department of Education using the following link:  


Safe2Say Contact Person

  Additionally, the Attorney General’s Office has just issued a letter regarding the Safe2Say Anonymous Tip Program, which will become active on January 14, 2019.   All school districts must identify who the contact person will be for this program to receive reports and messages from the tip line center 24/7.  

The Attorney General’s Office recommends that the School District Safety and Security Coordinator also serve as the contact for this program for continuity purposes. However, districts may choose another administrator if they so desire. 


All districts must report the appointment of the Safe2Say Contact Person to the Attorney General’s Office by Friday, September 14, 2018 at the following link: 


Please don’t hesitate to contact PDE or the Attorney General’s Office if you have any questions.