Gov. Corbett Delivers Budget Address – “We Spend No More Than We Have”

Today, Governor Tom Corbett delivered his proposed budget for 2013-14 using the words, “we spend no more than we have,” and increasing basic education funding by $90 million, which includes a modest increase for pre-K education.

Gov. Corbett also proposed to privatize the state’s liquor stores investing the proceeds into K-12 education (Passport for Learning Block Grants). Pennsylvania school districts will share grant funds for the following: school safety, “Ready by 3” initiative, an initiative for a customized learning plan and enhancing access to STEM programs.

Under the governor’s budget proposal, there are also plans for resolving the pension crisis. He proposed no cuts to present retiree benefits and no impact to pension dollars already earned. While these details are sketchy, there will be some proposed changes to current employees’ pensions going forward. The governor also wants a 401k plan for future employees.

Click on the links below for more on the budget: