Chapter 4 Update: PDE To Conduct Local Assessment Validations Webinar

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) will be conducting a webinar on Tuesday, April 24 from 2-3 p.m. to discuss the validation process for local assessments that may be used to meet the state’s new graduation requirements. Under the Chapter 4 regulations, school districts may use either the state developed Keystone Exams, locally developed and independently validated assessments, or a combination of Keystone Exams and local assessments to demonstrate proficiency for purposes of graduation. The information presented in the webinar will assist schools in making the decision to use the Keystone Exams, local assessments or a combination as a graduation requirement.

This webinar is a follow-up to the one presented in November 2011.   (The November webinar and the Local Assessment Validity Evaluation Handbook are available for review at:

The follow-up webinar will provide additional information to assist schools as they make the decision to use either the Keystone Exams, or a locally developed and independently validated assessment as a graduation requirement. Schools must inform PDE of their intent to choose the local assessment option by June 30, 2012.   A Local Assessment Validation Notification form will be posted in time for the webinar at:     To reserve your webinar seat register now at:     Please direct all questions regarding this webinar to:

Source: PSBA Legislative Report, April 5, 2012.