Job Description – Principal


  1. 5 years teaching experience, PDE certified
  2. Masters Degree
  3. 3 years as assistant principal
  4. Such alternatives to the above qualifications as the Board may find appropriate and acceptable.

REPORTS TO: The superintendent.

SUPERVISES: Staff members.

JOB GOAL: To use leadership, supervisory, and administrative skills so as to promote the educational development of each student.

  1. Establishes and maintains an effective learning climate in the school
  2. Plans, organizes, and directs implementation of all school activities
  3. Keeps the superintendent informed of the school’s activities and problems.
  4. Makes recommendations concerning the school’s administration and instruction.
  5. Prepares and administers the school budget and supervises school finances or prepares and submits the school’s budgetary requests, and monitors expenditures of funds.
  6. Supervises the maintenance of all required building records and reports.
  7. Prepares or supervises the preparation of reports, records, lists, and all other paperwork required or appropriate to the school’s administration.
  8. Works with various members of the central administrative staff on school problems of more than in school import, such as transportation, special services, and the like.
  9. Keeps his supervisor informed of events and activities of an unusual nature as well as routine matters related to the supervisor’s accountability.
  10. Interprets and enforces district policies and administrative regulations.
  11. Maintains active relationships with students and parents.
  12. Budgets school time to provide for the efficient conduct of school instruction and business.
  13. Supervises the school’s educational program.
  14. Leads in the development, determination of appropriateness, monitoring of the instructional program.
  15. Programs classes within established guides to meet student needs.
  16. Assists in the development, revisions, and evaluation of the curriculum.
  17. Supervises the guidance program to enhance individual student education and development.
  18. Maintains high standards of student conduct and enforces discipline as necessary, according due process to the rights of students.
  19. Establishes guides for proper student conduct and maintaining student discipline.
  20. Attends special events held to recognize student achievement, and attends school sponsored activities, functions, and athletic events.
  21. Maintains and controls the various local funds generated by student activities.
  22. Supervises the maintenance of accurate records on the progress and attendance of students.
  23. Assumes responsibility for the attendance, conduct, and maintenance of health of students.
  24. Assumes responsibility for his own professional growth and development through membership and participation in the affairs of professional organizations, through attendance at regional, state, and national meetings, through enrollment in advanced courses, and the like.
  25. Keeps abreast of changes and developments in the profession by attending professional meetings, reading professional journals and other publications, and discussing problems of mutual interest with others in the field.
  26. Supervises all professional, paraprofessional, administrative, and non-professional personnel attached to the school.
  27. Assists in the recruiting, screening, hiring, training, assigning, and evaluating of the school’s professional staff.
  28. Supervises the school’s teaching process.
  29. Approves the master teaching schedule and any special assignments.
  30. Orients newly assigned staff members and assists in their development, as appropriate.
  31. Evaluates and counsels all staff members regarding their individual and group performance.
  32. Conducts meetings of the staff as necessary for the proper functioning of the school.
  33. Assists in the in-service orientation and training of teachers, with special responsibility for staff administrative procedures and instructions.
  34. Recommends according to established procedures, the removal of a teacher whose work is unsatisfactory.
  35. Makes arrangements for special conferences between parents and teachers.
  36. Assumes responsibility for the safety and administration of the school plant.
  37. Supervises the daily use of the school facilities for both academic and nonacademic purposes.
  38. Plans and supervises fire drills and an emergency preparedness program.
  39. Asserts leadership in times of civil disobedience in school in accordance with established Board policy.
  40. Provides for adequate inventories of property under his jurisdiction and for the security and accountability for that property.
  41. Supervises all activities and programs that are outgrowths of the school’s curriculum
  42. Supervises and evaluates the school’s extracurricular program.
  43. Participates in principal’s meetings, negotiations meetings, and such other meetings as are required or appropriate.
  44. Serves as an ex officio member of all committees and councils within his school.
  45. Cooperates with college and university officials regarding teacher training and preparation.
  46. Responds to written and oral requests for information.
  47. Assumes responsibility for all official school correspondence and news releases.
  48. Organizes and administers the public relations program for his school.
  49. Serves as a member of such committees and attends such meetings as directed to by the superintendent.